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After Moving

After Moving Day

Wow, you made it. Moving day has come and gone. You survived. Congratulations on planning for the perfect move and executing it as well. So you can put your feed up and enjoy your new place right? Well, almost. Here are a few final things to think about before you check off your move as 100% complete.

  • Locate your local post office, police station, fire station and hospitals as well as gas stations near your home.
  • Become familiar with your neighborhood shopping areas. You may need house wares, tools or other items for your new home unexpectedly.
  • Call the department of sanitation in your new home to find out which day the trash is collected and what type of recycling programs are available
    in your community.
  • Get new service providers such as a bank, pharmacist, cleaner, cable television etc if you have not already done so.
  • Contact your local DMV if you have moved to a different state to exchange your driver’s license and register your vehicle.
  • Provide your new doctor and dentist with your medical history.
  • Transfer insurance policies to your new agent. You may also wish to make a detailed list of your belongings, their value, and you coverage.
  • Get information on schools, libraries, community activities and emergency calling service fro your local Chamber of Commerce.
  • Obtain local library cards.
  • Register to vote in your new city.
  • Decide which documents must be kept and determine for how long. File and keep them in a safe place.
  • Now that you’ve completed the final post moving day items you can feel better about yourself and enjoy that new place of yours. You’ve earned it.

Did we miss any crucial steps in our moving guide? We want to know! Please add your own tips and tricks in our comments below.

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